Proposals are in for Beamline for Schools 2015
The Beamline for Schools competition gives a team of high-school students the chance to perform an experiment at a fully functional beam line at CERN. Selection of the winner for 2015 is now underway.
This year, some 119 teams from all over the world sent us their proposed experiment. The students submitted proposals in two parts: A written part supported by diagrams or pictures, explaining the reasons for coming to CERN and the specifics of the proposed experiments, and a 1-minute video summarizing their written proposal in a creative, entertaining way.
Though the teams of CERN scientists who volunteered to judge the proposals have just started their deliberations, they have already been struck by the enthusiasm and creativity of this year's entries:
“We are the kind of people who happily sing songs about particle physics in public!” - Bohrn scientists
“The mere privilege of being able to participate in this contest is one that provides us with an unparalleled learning experience and the opportunity to achieve the truly great” - Berkeley baryons
“ We want to throw out that lump of a book, kick the classroom door open and go out to see real things” - Beamline Thailand
The winner will be notified in May. The winning team will have the opportunity to work with CERN scientists to refine their ideas before they come to CERN.