A successful year for BL4S!
At midnight on 31 March 2016 the submission period for proposals was officially closed and an impressive total of 151 teams from 37 countries had submitted a full proposal –representing a total of 1261 motivated students!
CERN scientists are now carefully evaluating the written proposals and many have remarked on how much they enjoy watching the creative and original videos. The two winning teams, as well as the teams that win the CosmicPi detectors, will be announced at the beginning of June. Prizes and certificates will be sent out as quickly as possible.
In the meantime we would like to share with you some of the videos that we have enjoyed so far. This choice is based on personal preference for the videos themselves, not for the proposal, so it should not be taken as any indication as to which teams may win a prize. Please enjoy watching:
In some of the proposals we have found quotes that illustrate what the competition means to the participants. It makes us very happy that so many students voluntarily spend their free time to learn about physics, so we thought we would share them below:
"[We want to come to CERN] because it is a place where people meet, cooperate and engage beyond their nationality and their own cultural patterns contributing to the development and to the wellness of society” -- TEAM PEANO
“We love physics and we are sure we will leave a mark on history, we are the change we want to see in the world.” -- Team Ravens
“We want to engage people, both in our school, and in the local community, with the areas of physics that they may not yet be aware of, yet to us are the most fascinating.” -- Team Shakespeare's Scientists
“We want to thank CERN for this wonderful opportunity that motivated us to learn about particle physics. We really enjoyed while designing the experiment. We are overmuch happy with the knowledge that we have gained already.” -- Team SLOW MUotiON
“Particle physics happens to be one of the most developed ways for improving humanity’s conceptualization of the universe we live in. […] We feel that helping mankind as a whole dominates any wish for personal glory. “ -- Team Mukal
“Designing an experiment that discovers new knowledge or confirms the old is the most incredible opportunity we’ve yet encountered. “ -- The 5 Sigma project
“The students in our country are forced to believe that science is only limited within text books. Just like our participation in this competition changed the way we look at science, this opportunity can help us inspire them to believe that miracles can only be achieved through science, that science can create revolutions and that the discoveries like the Higgs Boson particle, the gravitational wave, and the initiatives like the Montreal Protocol are the thoughts of scientists who weren’t born genius but turned out to be ones because they too were like us, children with dreams of getting the answers to their life through science itself, believing that they could make a difference, something we can also do if we promise to dream big and devote our life to science.” -- The Rocket Bros.
“Of course, CERN is a symbol of scientific progress itself, and it would be a pleasure for us to work in this magnificent factory of innovation and to be a part, even if a very small one, of the “acceleration of science”. “ -- I Tauresini
“BL4S project represents the perfect chance to discover the real heart of physics and the world of Science [...] We didn't know each other very well before this project, but when we started thinking about it, we found out that each of us has studied or read something about particle physics. Surprisingly, we all knew something more than our friends about one topic and we managed to understand new things from each other.
We have welcomed this project with enthusiasm and we have not only managed to conceive this idea and write this project but also to become good friends. “ -- All good names Ar
“We have to know who we are, our strengths, our weaknesses, our limits and it is projects like Beamline for Schools that help us do precisely this.
This project made us get out of our comfort zone, open our minds, it also made us realise how little we actually know and therefore, it made us curious to learn more about particle physics, a branch we know very little of even now.“ --30(ns)toBang
“Modern physics has always been considered by the scholastic system as a marginal part of the educational plan. For this reason the project has been very appealing for us because it consents to keep in touch with a physics topic that is still unknown for most of the students. “ -- Alessyenphysik